Buffers and Arrays

There exists a lesser known family of objects within the more C-ish corners of Python known as the bytes-like objects. These are objects which, using the Buffer Protocol, agree to have their raw contents read from and written to by other (usually C) code. Or in more C like terms, these objects give you a void pointerThe memory address of an object stored in another variable. to their data and you're free to do what you like with it.

This family includes the standard types:

As well as a few 3rd party objects:

To get a pointer to a bytes-like object, pass it to cslug.ptr().

>>> from cslug import ptr
>>> ptr(b"bytes")
<Void Pointer 139814594392528>
>>> ptr(bytearray([1, 2, 3]))
<Void Pointer 139814617576144>
>>> import array
>>> ptr(array.array("i", [4, 5, 6]))
<Void Pointer 139814617576112>

Those long numbers inside the cslug.PointerType reprs are the memory addresses of the buffers/arrays we provided. PointerType is a subclass of int and can therefore be passed directly to any C function which expects a pointer.

This is arguably the lowest level of cslug's Python/C bridging meaning that it is simultaneously the fastest (absolutely no unnecessary copying) but also the easiest way to crash Python. You have been warned…


Bytes (both bytes its writable cousin, the bytearray) are the simplest to work with:

  • Declare a C function taking a char * or void * to an array of bytes and an integer specifying the length of the given array.

    void do_something(void * x, int len_x) {
      // Put something interesting in here. Most likely some for loop...
      for (int i = 0; i < len_x; i++) {
        // ... which reads or writes to `x[i]`.
  • Pass ptr(buffer) to it in Python.

    x = bytearray([67, 98, 32])
    slug.dll.do_something(ptr(x), len(x))

If your function modifies the buffer, make sure you use mutable bytearray instead of read-only bytes.

If you want to create a new buffer from scratch in C and pass it to Python then you're in for a bit of a disappointment because, as it was when writing strings, returning a block of memory is disproportionally dangerous in C. Instead, create an empty writable buffer in Python (out = bytearray(length)), then pass that buffer to C to populate it.


Arrays from the array standard library module are almost the same as buffers but with one more thing to watch out for:

  • The typecode of the array passed to a C function must match the type of pointer specified as the argtype of that function.

So for the following C function:

double sum(double * arr, int len_arr) {
  /* Calculate the sum of an array. */
  double total = 0.0;
  for (int i = 0; i < len_arr; i++)
    total += arr[i];
  return total;

Loaded into Python with:

from array import array
from cslug import CSlug, ptr, anchor

slug = CSlug(anchor("arrays-demo.c"))

The double sum(double * arr, int len_arr) function expects a to receive a double * (AKA an array of doubles) so we must give it one. Types in array are specified with typecodes. Looking at array's table of type codes, 'd' is the type code for doubles.

>>> arr = array.array("d", [10, 11, 12])
>>> slug.dll.sum(ptr(arr), len(arr))

The safety nets of ctypes and cslug both fall short on array item types. There is no type checking. If you get it wrong, you just get bogus results,

>>> arr = array.array("f", [10, 11, 12])
>>> slug.dll.sum(ptr(arr), len(arr))
1048576.2543945312  # 10 + 11 + 12 is not this!

It's therefore best to put your own check/conversion in.

def sum_(arr):
    """Wrapper for the ``sum()`` function from ``arrays-demos.c``."""
    # If not the correct type:
    if not (isinstance(arr, array) and arr.typecode == "d"):
        # Make it the correct type.
        arr = array("d", arr)
    # Run the C function.
    return slug.dll.sum(ptr(arr), len(arr))

Now you can give it more or less anything (although it'll be much faster if you give it the correct type):

>>> sum_(range(10))


With the correct types this C version of sum() is 16 times faster than the builtin sum().

>>> from sloth.simple import time_callable  # Use `pip install sloth-speedtest`.
>>> arr = array.array("d", range(100000))
>>> time_callable(sum, 100, arr) / time_callable(sum_, 100, arr)

But with the wrong types it's 4-5 times slower.

>>> arr = range(100000)
>>> time_callable(sum, 100, arr) / time_callable(sum_, 100, arr)

In short, to get the most out of C, you need to pick a type and stick to it. If you want to duck-type, use Python.

Exact types

You may also notice that array's table of type codes lacks the exact types from #include <stdint.h>. Use the cslug.misc.array_typecode() helper function to get them. e.g. If your C function has an argument of type uint16_t * then use:

>>> from cslug.misc import array_typecode
>>> arr = array.array(array_typecode("uint16_t"), arr)
>>> arr
array('H', [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9])
>>> arr.itemsize

Writing an array

As it was when writing strings, it is impossible to allocate an array in C then pass its ownership to Python. Instead, write an array by creating an empty one in Python then populating it in C. For example, this uninspiring C function takes an input array which it reads from and an output array where it writes what you'd typically return in Python.

#include <stdint.h>

void cumsum(int32_t * in, int32_t * out, int len) {
  /* Calculate the cumulative sums of an the array `in`
     and write to array `out`. */
  int32_t total = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
    total += in[i];
    out[i] = total;

The above may be wrapped with something like the following.

from cslug.misc import array_typecode

int32_t = array_typecode("int32_t")

def cumsum(x):
    # Some form of type check.
    if not (isinstance(x, array) and x.typecode == int32_t):
        x = array(int32_t, x)

    # Create an array with the same length as `x`.
    # Python really lacks an efficient way to create an empty array,
    out = array(int32_t, [0] * len(x))

    # Call cumsum() C function.
    slug.dll.cumsum(ptr(x), ptr(out), len(x))
    return out